Balance in Movement (E-Book)

How to achieve the perfect seat

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Autor(en): Susanne von Dietze

1. Auflage 2017

Why is the seat of the rider so natural und yet so complicated? Why is it so easy to develop an incorrect seat position and influence on the horse but then so difficult to correct these problems? What is actually meant by a riders’s “fine feeling” and how can this be perceived and developed?

The art of successful riding is the development of harmony to such a degree that, to the onlooker, horse and rider perform in total unity. The rider's key to this ideal is not a static seat but, one that is capable of adapting to all movements of the horse. The closer the seat follows the movement, the better it can influence that movement and remain in perfect balance with the horse.

First published in 1993, Balance in Movement has long since become a classic in equestrian sports literature. This completely revised new edition has been supple¬ment by useful maxims, hints and exercise ideas as well as 200 new photos and drawings. It is in indispensable source of advice for all who would like to have a better understanding and command of the rider's seat, teachers and pupils alike.

Mehr Informationen
ISBN 978-3-88542-925-8
Auflage 1. Auflage 2017
Autor Susanne von Dietze
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Susanne von Dietze

Susanne von Dietze, Jahrgang 1965, ist Krankengymnastin, Dressurreiterin, Richterin und lebt in Israel. Ihr Wissen aus der Krankengymnastik ermöglicht ihr ein sensibles Verständnis für das komplexe Bewegungssystem Reiter und Pferd. Dieses Wissen vermittelt sie in ihrem Reitunterricht und auf Lehrgängen im In- und Ausland.   Mit Ihrer Cousine Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel verbindet sie eine langjährige praktische Zusammenarbeit, in der zahlreiche Bücher und Lehrfilme entstanden sind. Beide sind international renommierte Ausbilderinnen.

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